Finished my 3-year sentence.
Finished my 3-year sentence.
The Mossey River Inn is a restaurant, bar, and inn located in the village of Winnipegosis. As a project during the school year, I decided to rebrand the Mossey and give it an update to keep a rustic, hometown visual aesthetic, with a modern and sophisticated twist.
Render was a term-long project in which I had to research a topic that I found interesting and create a catalog and process book relating to the topic. I decided to research video games as they’re a passion of mine, and create a book walking you through the different components of a game and what makes them good.
Bright Bud Plants is a fictional plant shop I created for a project. I designed an app for Bright Bud so they can sell their products online. The app has many different customization features including pot color and growth stage.