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2023 2023 Grad Show
Digital Media Design

Interaction Design & Development

Aarish Gilani

Complex problems can have simple solutions. Let's get to it.

Alex Papineau

Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, push a man into a volcano and the Sun God will ensure a bountiful harvest this season.

Andrei Safronau

School is done.... I finally can rest and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe.

Bhupinder Singh Kaler

Always stand up, and move forward, because giving up is not an option.
This is what I believe.

Brick Adamos

UX this UI that, I'm just out here wishing that UR mine.

Jainil Vyas

Hello! I am Jainil, an UI/UX designer who loves to craft product experiences inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s statement: “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Maaz Gundagi

Full-time Web Developer at Modern Earth. Professional experience in designing and building wordpress web and front-end interfaces.

Ps. there are no beaches in Winnipeg Nazul!

Namrata Rane

I design, draw, dance, and dream!
Architect turned UX/UI Designer, I am an empathetic person who is curious and kind. I believe that design thinking is a skill we develop more as we practice, read and research.

Nazul Pérez

I do design, web dev and user research, but mostly design, I also like games and like to take long walks on the beach.

qian galvin

I’m a UX designer, design thinker, and product designer with a supper passion for digital media, web development, and arts.
My goal is to become a powerful woman in tech. Being a wife, mother, employee, and student: It is possible for me!

Ronak Patel

“If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.” -Dr. Ralf Speth

Shakir Shaikh

Simplicity is the most complicated thing.

Daniel Funk

My friends call me Dan, but you can call me "Hired".